UtimateFlags Review
UtimateFlags started on the Fourth of July in 1997, is one of America’s oldest online flag stores. Located in O’Brien, Florida, this family-owned company is dedicated to helping people celebrate the virtues, history and ideas that they believe in with quality flags for sale.
The website features an impressive assortment of American, military and Confederate flags as well as Trump flags, historic war flags, Betsy Ross, Molon Labe, 1776 Flags, Come and Take it, Texas Flags, 2nd Amendment, mugs, hats, tags and more. The site also designs custom flags and can incorporate a design idea provided by a client. Its custom flags are especially popular with Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) groups and other historical preservationists.
Flags are available in a variety of qualities, including nylon, polyester and cotton. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Nylon flags are very lightweight, durable and long-lasting. They are suitable for light use or as indoor decorations. Polyester flags are thicker and more expensive than nylon flags, but they can withstand heavy winds.
UltimateFlags Unraveled: Decoding Flag Design Principles
Ultimate Flags Inc is an incredibly generous and thoughtful company that transcends commerce. The company regularly supports charitable veteran and Armed Forces groups such as the Sacred Mountain Retreat Center. It also donates a large number of USA flags to military units deployed overseas. Jonica Hough, co-owner of the company, has also been instrumental in supporting local veteran and veteran assistance groups with their projects such as wheelchair accessibility ramps and major renovation and plumbing repairs at their town’s veteran park.